DISCUSSION: When the Movie Departs from the Book

Hello wonderful readers! It’s been a while since I’ve had a discussion post, but something happened today that sparked this post idea.

Today my sister texted me, frustrated at some of the decisions about the new Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children movie. She had been looking at the photos that were released a few days ago and she was specifically dismayed that Emma appeared to have the floating peculiarity (on the right, wearing iron shoes) and that Bronwyn seems to be younger than she is in the book (second from the left, sailor outfit).download

In addition, it looks like the twins will be getting more play (I don’t remember them doing much of anything inĀ the book), and the girl on the left with the gloves is Olive. Does anyone else remember an Olive from the book? Granted, I haven’t read the third one yet, but I don’t recognize this character. Another change that I’ve noticed is that Dr. Golan is a woman and Miss Peregrine is MUCH younger than I pictured her (but that might just be a me thing).

Honestly, the two “issues”Ā that my sister brought up don’t bother me. First, I didn’t even remember what Emma’s real power was, I had to look it up (controlling fire by the way). Second, I actually kind of like Bronwyn as a younger girl. I think it creates a better and more interesting contrast between her appearanceĀ and her peculiarity. This did get me thinking, however, what is okay for the movie to change and what isn’t?

First I would pose this question: Do the changes made alter the story/plot? As is the case with Bronwyn, I don’t think it does. For Emma, it might. I’m remembering a section from the second book especially that makes me wonder…but I won’t say any more than that. Then we get to our second question: If the change does alter the story/plot, does it even matter? Do we care? This question is trickier to answer. Mostly I think about my experience with Austenland the book vs Austenland the movie. The movie made quite a few changes from the book, some that change the story a bit and some that don’t. In the end, tumblr_nt04uynwf21r2a4kfo1_1280however, I love both the book and the movie! I don’t care that there are differing subplots.

The last thing I want to touch on is the author’s involvement. I know that Shannon Hale was very active in the creation of the movie Austenland. I also assume that Ransom Riggs is similarly involved judging by this picture of him with Director Tim Burton. Does knowing that the author is involved with and participating in these changes make things more acceptable?


What do you guys think? Should movies stick 100% to the book or are some changes okay? What are some examples of changes from books/movies that you did or did not like?