BOOK TAG: Two Truths and a Lie!

Book Tags

I was tagged for this by Comfort Reads!

      • Create a post with your two bookish truths and one bookish lie – but be sure to keep it a secret so your readers can guess
      • Reveal the lie in a spoiler at the bottom of your post (you can use this HTML code:
        Reveal the Lie


        ). Get rid of the extra spaces between the

Guess which of these three is a lie!

1. For a period of time when I first started college, I stopped reading.
2. I’ve read through the entire Harry Potter series three times.
3. The most books I’ve read in a year (since I started tracking) is 175.

Ready for the lie?

Number two! I keep trying to reread the Harry Potter series but can’t seem to get past number four. It’s a goal for this year though!


I tag:
Jami @Jamishelves
Stephanie @Stephanie’s Book Reviews
Steff @Reader Fox
Angelica @The Book Cover Girl
Melissa @The Ramblings of a Jedi Librarian

14 thoughts on “BOOK TAG: Two Truths and a Lie!

  1. Thanks for the tag!! I love playing this game in person and I never knew there was a tag for it. And I’m ashamed to say, I’ve never read the HP series at all. I’ve only read book one and that was just a few months ago. Maybe I’ll get to it this year. And 175 is so many books!! I think the most I’ve read is like 90 or something.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a crazy year when I read that many books! I was only working part time, my husband was in school, and then the second half of the year I was in Library School and had to read a ton of books for that.

      I hope you enjoy the tag and I look forward to seeing your post!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the tag, girl!! My guess (before checking and based on nothing) is that #2 is the lie. I’m thinking maybe you’ve only read through the series twice or something 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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