Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  Each week there is a new topic and this week’s topic is: Halloween themed freebie

My theme is going to be: Ten (#trending) bookish characters you should dress up as for Halloween (aka Costumes based on the books that everyone is reading right now).

1) A Shadowhunter

2) The Martian (Mark Watney)

3) A Wight (or any character from Miss Peregrine’s really)

4) A Grisha

5) Faction member from Divergent

6) Simon/Baz/Penelope/The Mage from Carry On

7) Calaena Sardothian

8) Cinder or Levana from the Lunar Chronicles (or Iko!)

9) Akiva from Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy

10) A popular/distinctive book cover character (ex. The Selection Series, The Winner’s Trilogy)