NetGalley ARC Mini-Reviews

Lately, I’ve been in this super-slump with my review writing. I just haven’t felt motivated to do it for whatever reason. I have done a few short reviews on NetGalley though, so here’s what I ended up posting over there!

Chivalrous by Dina L Sleiman51ng7yyaWTL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_

There was nothing overwhelmingly wrong with this book, but I was still left feeling underwhelmed. The characters were just okay, the plot was just okay, the world-building was just okay. Religion and faith in God is a main theme throughout the book. I don’t read a lot of Christian fiction, but this book felt like there was just too much of that. It was brought up too often and not in a realistic context. Overall, the book was just okay. 3/5

Finding Perfect by Kendra C Highley25877185

This is a sweet book that was pretty fun to read, but lacked any lasting kind of substance or unpredictability. The story moved quickly and had good pacing. The characters were a little too perfect in the roles that they played but were enjoyable nonetheless. I found Paige’s mother especially to be extremely unrealistic (who is actually like that?). Overall, the book was good but not great. It was an easy read with likable characters and not too much drama. 3/5

The Demon Catchers of Milan by Kat Beyer

25965346This book took a little while to get going. Once it did though, the story was interesting (if still a little slower-paced). I liked how Milan as a city was painted. Mia isn’t actually allowed to wander out into the city by herself, but Milan is still seen as this super romantic backdrop. Don’t even get me started on all of the meal scenes (mouthwatering). The plot itself was interesting enough, but I didn’t feel like I could connect with Mia. That made it hard for me to really care what happened to her. Also, her crush on Emilio? I’m sorry, but that’s not a far enough relation for me to feel okay for there to be ANY trace of romance there. Ick! Overall, the book was okay even for someone as creeped out by the paranormal as I am, but I probably will not be reading the sequel. 3/5