DISCUSSION: Bookish Pet Peeves

Hello everyone! Today we’re going to talk about pet peeves. I know that it’s hard to write a book (I myself have tried on an occasion or two and it is no simple task). That being said, there are some things that I just read and a small part of my soul dies. Why did the author have to include that? What does it add to the story? JUST WHY???


I’ll split my pet peeves into two categories: Things Authors Do and Things People Around Me Do.

Things Authors Do

1) The Weepy “Tough” Girl – I don’t mind when girls cry in books or when they have a weak moment, but I cannot stand when a female character is portrayed as being super tough and then proceeds to cry/break-down at every plot twist/fight with her romantic interest. Too many times have I read “I never cry” and then two pages later…crying. It’s just not consistent. That’s my real issue. The consistency.

2) Unexplained Skills That Happen to Save the Day – Katniss has an awesome skill–she’s super deadly with a bow and arrow. It is explained to the reader that she was taught to hunt by her dad and that her skill with a bow and arrow had been necessary to keep herself and her family alive. This is a skill that makes sense. But there are a lot of times when a character has a seemingly “learned skill” with no explanation of how they learned it. I don’t know about you guys, but I actually wasn’t born being able to fix all things mechanical. That’s something that I’d have to learn and do a lot of to become good at. Apparently, that rule doesn’t hold for some fictional characters…

3) “This boy is so beautiful” x One Billion – Just…no. Repeatedly exclaiming over the beauty/hotness of a boy does not move the story along. I don’t care if that thought actually goes through the mind of a teenage girl twenty times a chapter–the reader does not need to read it that many times. Just edit it out. Please. It’s like when you read through a paper and realize that you start every paragraph with the same word. No good. You need to mix it up, right? Same goes here. MIX IT UP.

Things People Around Me Do

1) Dog-Eared/Folded Pages – Why do people do this? Bookmarks can literally be made out of ANYTHING. Dog-eared pages are bad enough, but I have legitimately seen people fold pages in half to mark their spot. Can I please supply you with a post-it instead?

2) Constant Interruptions – I’m reading. Like, obviously reading. My book is out and I am dead to the world. I haven’t been responding to anyone for at least half an hour. This is NOT the time to ask me how my job is going! Okay, in reality I can usually stand for one or two interruptions. If you want to talk, that’s fine, I’ll set my book aside and we can talk. But it’s the interruptions that come every five minutes and only last about thirty seconds–just enough time to yank me out of the book. Then, once I’ve finally gotten back into it, I’m yanked out again! So if you want to talk, just tell me and I’ll talk with you. I’m more than happy to set my book aside (actually, some times I might not be, but I’ll still do it to be polite).

3) Damaged Book Covers – Cover might not be the right word for this…maybe book sleeves? Whatever, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the cover that comes around hardback books. Personally, if I am reading a hardback, I remove the cover and leave it on my bookcase until I’m done with the book. This prevents the cover from receiving any wear or tear. Also, if I happen to spill something on my book (not that I’ve ever accidentally done something like that…okay, but rarely) then I have a nice cover to…you know, COVER any damage. I just don’t understand when I see book covers that are completely mangled. It could have been prevented so easily!

Do you guys agree with my pet peeves? Disagree? What other bookish pet peeves do you have?

27 thoughts on “DISCUSSION: Bookish Pet Peeves

  1. I agree with you 100%. About both the author and the people around me ones. My husband does the interruption thing. And ugh. The cover thing is a little difficult to control with paperbacks, but I also leave the sleeve for hardback on the bookcase.

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    1. Yeah, paperbacks are SUPER tough. Especially since I usually carry them around in my purse (who knows what’s going to go on in there!) I like that you mentioned your husband as an interrupter! I wasn’t going to name any names…but my husband does it too 🙂


      1. Ah, that’s got to be really tough. I don’t have any kids yet, but I’m probably going to have to move all of my books to the high shelves. I’ll stick board books or something on the lower ones….


      2. It was not fun when I first set up my bookshelf, through a series of events I didn’t have my books for 8 months. Anyways. When I first set it up he was interested in the books, but after a while(4 months ish), and me telling him not to take them off the shelf, he has just ignored them completely.

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  2. I am totally with you on all of these! Especially when it comes to the interruptions and book covers. I am forever being interrupted on my lunch break and at home while reading and it drives me crazy. I also leave the book sleeve on my bookshelf while I’m reading a hardcover. If I loan out a hardcover, I remove the sleeve before giving it to the person to make sure it doesn’t get damaged.

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      1. Exactly! I think my least favorite thing is assuming characters can all keep up with taxing physical activity. I hate seeing characters of all sizes and exercise level being able to stick together while running or things like that.

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  3. Yes!! Especially the one about “tough” girls crying. I have a huge problem with characters that act tough one page, and then whiny the next. My even bigger problem is the “woe me” character. I hate reading about teenage angst… You are spot on with your pet peeves!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I can’t stand macho alpha males that turn into sappy nice guys as soon as they fall for the heroine. Can’t they be both macho and nice? Why do they have to completely change personalities?
    I also can’t stand it when I lend a book to someone and never get it back.

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  5. I totally agree with you even though I have on occasion dog-eared a page. My husband doesn’t understand what ignoring someone actually means and thinks its cute to put a hand over my book to get attention, which drives me insane!! I also try to take extra care of book covers, but its not always easy.

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  6. I completely agree with you. Especially about the ‘Things People Around Me Do’. Damaged pages/covers/sleeves just break my heart so. I mean, that book was supposed to be like your baby, and you just let that happen to it? How?! And about being interrupted while reading… YES to whatever you said. If you want to talk, then just say so! I can keep my book aside for sometime and pay attention to you. Otherwise, just leave me alone and let me read. Do NOT disturb.
    Also, that thing about the girl going on and on and on about the boy’s gorgeous looks. SO annoying. :/

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  7. I suppose you mean the dust jacket for hardcovers? I’m pretty sure that’s the proper term. 😄
    And oh gosh I could really relate to this! Its really quite annoying when a strong female protagonist is presented who supposedly is hard as iron and the next minute she is crying. Inconsistent indeed. And the one about boys? I am getting sick of that now. I see it almost everywhere! Like, its not a reason for you to fall in love with the guy simply because he’s gorgeous.
    I hate when people fold the pages to mark their spot. I remember seeing someone fold the page in half and I was utterly terrified! xoxo

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    1. Yes! Dust Jacket! Thank you! I knew that I knew the term, but I could not for the life of me come up with it! I’m so glad that you agree with me on the hot guy one. It usually makes the main character seem super shallow to me.

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  8. Heh, I’m guilty of dog-earring pages. I learned to dog-ear pages from an elementary school teacher, and I never looked back. I know people are particular about their books though, so if I ever borrow one from a friend, I use a bookmark. I can’t pretend to understand why this bothers so many people though. To me, books are similar to my stuffed animals. The more wear-and-tear, the more I love the book (and stuffed animals).

    I can’t stand constant interruptions either though. I feel like that’s a pet peeve for every reader. I’m already easily distracted, so I get especially frustrated when friends, family, or co-workers tries to have a conversation with me when I’m trying to read. Why do they even think its a socially acceptable thing to do?!

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    1. That’s awesome that you’re considerate like that. I think the thing for me is that I like my books to stay in as nice condition as possible and to me that means no folded pages. At the same time, I underline my books all the time…so maybe a bit contradictory of me haha.


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